Passages... a sacred, purpose-filled movement to and through situations, circumstances, next steps; a change in places, relationships or states of being. To the extent we move through the variety of shifts planned or presented in our lives, in a fully conscious, mindful manner is what paves the way to experience soul growth in grace-filled ways.
Whether it’s the termination of a job/career (i.e. promotion, retirement, downsizing), sacred rites (Christenings, weddings), selling property/home, entering or leaving a relationship, thoughtfulness of how you approach this sacred Passage, will provide precious meaning and identify purpose to this life and soul experience.
Dr. Garrick has guided many individuals as a registered Spiritual Counselor through a variety of life’s Passages and is an Ordained Minister. She has had extensive training and opportunities to support those nearing or in active Transition of Life through offering The Bardo. Support is available to prepare the family, loved one(s) and most importantly the person preparing to make their final Transition. Sessions and experiences are designed individually to fulfill your intention and illuminate your purpose.